Richmond Hill Georgia Art Dealers
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Custom Framing and Gallery
Shadow Box
“I had Custom Framing do a shadow box for my daughters first concert items. I was very impressed with the quality and design. ” -
Twin Brothers African Art Gallery “Located on the convenient intersection of Hammond and Roswell Rd in Sandy Spring, this small but extremely intriguing store is owned by soft-spoken, honest and charming business man Abdoulaye Biteye. He has been in business for 8 years and no wonder...His pride in his art knowledge and extreme skill in Jewelry making and repair shows that he did not get where he is without being one of the best. Yes, many clients can attest to this fact. Visit Twin Brothers Gallery any day and you will no doubt be impressed!”
Twin Brothers African Art Gallery “A place you definitely want to go for exceptional customer service and genuine African Art. Once entering this small, quaint yet very inviting gallery, you will find a very hsopitable Master Jeweler who is often busy working his magic at his bench by either repairing jewelry or masterminding his next piece. Whatever you are looking for he will either already have or he will find it for you. ”